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Getting Classical with GetClassical

Ilona Oltuski

Ilona Oltuski, founder of, recreated the magic of the 19th century salon concerts in a somewhat updated version the other night at the elegant India House. Monday's performance featured three multi-talented world-class performers - pianist and visual artist, Roman Rabinovich whose paintings adorned the stage, pianist and composer, Michael Brown and cellist and film maker, Nick Canellakis.

Nick Canellakis  and Michael Brown

It is very rare that one experiences a collaborative effort where the performers are so in tune (pun intended) with each other's unique gifts. It was a program which was truly conceived for these three specific performers. Highlights included, and were not limited to, a live performance of Michael's film score for cello and piano played in tandem with a film short directed and shot by Nick (which starred Roman!), two Czech dances by Dvorak performed with finesse and charm by Roman and a rousing transcription for cello and piano four hands by Nick of a Bulgarian dance performed to great effect by the whole crew. In all it was a unique evening of great music and stellar performances complimented perfectly by the warm and intimate atmosphere of the

Roman Rabinovich

venue. I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes and the next getclassical event at India House on Nov. 24 with the versatile and refined pianist, Sandro Russo. As if that wasn't enough, Ilona also started a monthly classical series at Zinc Bar with the next concert scheduled for Nov. 6, which will feature violinist Asi Matathias and pianist Domnic Cheli. I think she may be on to something here!

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